Free Muscle Building Tips From the Pros to Help You Build Muscle as Fast as Possible
"free muscle building tips" to help you gain mass and build muscle fast. Use them and get the body you want faster than you ever thought possibleIf you are trying to build muscle and need some help, this is the place for you. On this site you'll get tips and advice about exercises, nutrition, and supplementation to help you get the body you want from muscle building pros.Plus, if you find this information helpful, there is a resource I highly recommend that I believe will be a big help for you as well. It's a muscle building program that has proven itself over and over again. Plus, you can sign up for a free newsletter and 10 free muscle building videos. Go to "free muscle building tips to learn more.
Contents at a Glance
Free Muscle Building Tips - Fundamentals
Free Muscle Building Tips
Free Muscle Building Tips - Nutrition
Free Muscle Building Tips - Nutrition Quote
Free Muscle Building Tips - Compound Exercises
Free Muscle Building Tips - Check Out This Kick @$$ Routine for Maximizing Muscle Mass
Contents at a Glance
Free Muscle Building Tips - Fundamentals
Free Muscle Building Tips
Free Muscle Building Tips - Nutrition
Free Muscle Building Tips - Nutrition Quote
Free Muscle Building Tips - Compound Exercises
Free Muscle Building Tips - Check Out This Kick @$$ Routine for Maximizing Muscle Mass
Free Muscle Building Tips
Free Muscle Building Tips - Supplementation
Free Muscle Building Tips
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Free Muscle Building Tips - Fundamentals
When it comes to muscle building, success depends on three rules. The bottom line is that failure to follow these rules only leads to failure of achieving your goal to get the body you want. These three things are:1. Follow a good training program - one that utilizes resistance training, cardio work, stretching, and teaching proper lifting technique and form2. Nutrition - consistently feed your muscles and body with the right kind and amount of fuel it needs to stay healthy, build and strengthen muscles3. Be consistant, persistant, and diligent - muscle building is a mind set. Do your workout even if you're tired, don't give up even if you don't think you're getting results, and work hard every time outBuilding muscle is not an easy task. If it were we would all look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. If this is your goal you have to stay committed and focused on it. Put in the effort. Follow these three rules and then watch how your body will change.For more fundamentals and great information, go to free muscle building tips.
Free Muscle Building Tips
Take a look at Vince Delmonte's workout routine #1 - One of many he offers to help others build muscle fast
Take a look at this video for some free muscle building tips to help work your upper body. You can go to "free muscle building tips" to get more information on the workouts being shown here. Scroll down for routine #2.....Vince Delmonte is a Canadian Fitness Model Champion, Author of Six Pack Quest and Nononsense Muscle Building (both #1 selling products on the internet), a regular contributer to Men's Fitness Magazine, and has an Honours Kinesiology degree from the University of Western Ontario.
Killer Muscle Building Workout Routine - Day 1
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Free Muscle Building Tips - Nutrition
What to eat to build muscle
Besides the sarcastic response many are typically proned to, like food and lots of it, what to eat and how much you eat plays a huge factor in your ability to build muscle.Many guys looking to build muscle don't understand the impact that nutrition has on their muscle building goals. So here is the deal:You need to consume about 1,000 calories more than your normal intake in order to feed the muscle. But not just any calories will do. You need to make good choices about the types of calories you consume as well. Here is the ratio you should be striving for:60% - healthy carbs (brown rice, organic oatmeal, whole wheat, some fruits, and lots of vegetables30% - proteins (salmon, tuna, chicken, eggwhites)10% - healthy fats (olive oil, nuts, organic peanut butter, canola oil)Measuring portions would be your best bet in order to ensure a proper caloric intake. Take in too many calories of any type of nutrient or too many calories in general and you will be adding fat with that muscle.Not your goal???...I didn't think so.You can get more healthy eating tips by visiting free muscle building tips.
Free Muscle Building Tips - Nutrition Quote
"Sell yourself short on nutrition & you're selling yourself short on maximizing your physique development."~Ernie TaylorIFBB Pro
Free Muscle Building Tips - Compound Exercises
Read about the seven classic compound exercises that will help you build muscle
The 7 best exercises to build muscle are:squatsbench pressdead liftpull upsdipsbent over rowclean and pressNow, upon reading this you may be wondering why these exercises specifically are the best to build muscle. Well, the reason is because they are compound exercises.Compound exercises mean that they incorporate multiple muscles in order to perform the exercise move. This is contrary to isolated exercise moves that only use one muscle or "group" of muscles during the move.When you lift using compound exercises you get a large number of muscles involved in the routine. These are classically the best exercises to build muscle because of the number of muscles that are use in the exercise. These moves really get your heart pumping and boosts your metabolism. Not to mention compound exercise help release the "good" hormones which is a big contributor in your attempt to build muscle.Performing compound exercises also help to save physical energy and maximize time. When you spend too much time exercising, large amounts of cortisol get produced which basically eats away at your muscle. That muscle being the same that you are attempting to build. (That's a pretty good clue that it's not a good thing.)During your next workout use these 7 classic exercises to build muscle. They can help prepare you for many other exercises you should incorporate into your routine to get even more work.You can learn more about various workout routines and exercises to build muscle by visiting free muscle building tipsFrom Vince Delmonte
Free Muscle Building Tips - Check Out This Kick @$$ Routine for Maximizing Muscle Mass
Stretch-Pause Training for the chest
This routine is guaranteed to be difficult and very hard...but also produces results.First, you'll need to set up a barbell bench press station. I ALWAYS recommend doing barbell bench in the power rack, even if you have normal bench press stations in your gym. I've always found it ironic that the most potentially dangerous exercise in the gym is the one where the equipment has pretty much NO safety features.If you're training at home, this is CRITICAL. If you train at home and don't have a rack, use dumbbells for this technique. You're going to be pushing your chest HARD by the end of the set and we don't want you getting stuck under the bar.Set a weight on the bar that you can do for 10 reps. This is going to be part 1 of the stretch-pause set. Grab a couple of dumbbells for flyes - something you could do 12 to 15 reps with on a normal set. I prefer to do flyes on a Swiss ball - I find it more effective for opening up the chest at the bottom of the movement because you can really get your shoulders back. You'll get a better stretch, and that's what this technique is all about.That being said, you can definitely still use a flat bench - it'll work just fine, too.Once you've got your weights all set and ready to go, here's what it's going to look like:1. Perform one set of 10 reps with the barbell bench press. Do these reps explosively, NOT slowly. Don't bounce the bar off your chest but don't move it slowly, either. Performing the reps explosively will force blood into the chest quickly.2. Rest 20 seconds - during this rest period, get yourself ready to do the flyes.3. Grab your dumbbells and get into position. Here's where it gets interesting%u2026you're going to HOLD the bottom stretch position of the dumbbell flye for AT LEAST 5 seconds on EVERY rep. Do the flye exercise slowly and under complete control, making VERY sure you get a big stretch at the bottom of every rep. The goal with this section is not to get as many reps as possible but to get a MASSIVE stretch on the pecs on every rep. The number of reps you actually get means nothing%u2026perform reps until you can't move the weights or you can't take the pain of the stretch anymore (but don't so push so far you get a shoulder injury!).4. Set the weights down and rest 20 seconds, moving yourself BACK to the flat bench.5. Unrack the weight and perform as many top-range partial reps as you can with the weight you did for the first part of this stretch-pause set. The range of motion is very short - only a few inches. We're sticking to the strongest range of motion of the bench press in order to maximize the number of reps you can get. You'll probably find you can get 20+ partial reps with the same weight you started with. Use a fast, pumping tempo in this top range%u2026on this part, we're just looking to crank out as many reps as possible as quickly as possible.6. Re-rack the weight. You're done with your first stretch-pause set! If you really feel like it, you can also include some "normal" stretching in between sets as well. I recommend about 90 seconds rest between stretch-pause sets, at the very least. Two minutes is good as well.From Nick Nilsson - Creator of the training program "Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Muscle Mass" ~ guest contributor on Vince Delmonte's Nononsense Muscle Building Blog
""Everybody wanna be a bodybuilder, but dont no body wanna lift no heavy @$$ weight." Ronnie Coleman"
Free Muscle Building Tips
Vince Delmonte's workout routine #1
Take a look at this video for more free muscle building tips to help work your shoulders. You can go to "free muscle building tips" to get more information on the workouts being shown here. Plus you can get 10 exercise video free.
Killer Muscle Building Workout Routine - Day 2
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Free Muscle Building Tips - Supplementation
To Supplement or Not To Supplement...That is the question
Do you make a routine stop at your local nutrition store or constantly order supplements online?What if I told you that for the most part, any supplement outside of whey protein is just a waste of money? First, don't get mad. Just take a moment and listen to this.No supplement outside of protein has ever been proven to have any long term effectiveness. In fact many of these products could quite possibly be hazardous to your health. This is one of the reasons that the Food and Drug Administration won't endorse these products.We buy what the magazines are selling to us regarding these supplements. But ask yourself this question. Who's paying for the advertising to support the magazines. THE SUPPLEMENT COMPANIES!!! Of course the rags are going to endorse the supplements. And as far as the bodybuilders who are touting the benefits. Come on, we know they are making money on the deal as well.bottom line - the only way to build muscle is through hard work and discipline. Eating right and exercising Save your body and save your pocket book the hardship of buying into the idea of supplementation...outside of your whey protein powders.Learn more truths about muscle building and supplementation at "free muscle building tips".
Here's my favorite link:
Free Muscle Building Tips
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
41 Tips and Tricks to Build Muscle Bulk
From my buddy Vince Delmonte, Author of No-Nonsence Muscle Building. Learn how he is able to build muscle bulk using these tips and tricks:
Here are 41 of my best tips and tricks for gaining more muscle and getting more ripped than you can imagine.
In the past 3 years I have supported 26,755 customers in over 120 different countries with the critical elements to build muscle mass and to experience progressive muscle gains.
Today I’m handing you 41 of my own best key secrets that I helped me build 41 pounds of rock-solid muscle in just six months – without drugs, supplements and training less than before.
In a matter of weeks, not months, you too will have a jaw-dropping physique. It all starts once you begin applying the advanced muscle building strategies below.
(Learn more by checking out build muscle bulk)
Whether you approach your physique as a hobby or a job, you should not leave any element to chance and hope it works. In order to defeat plateaus and forge a ripped and muscular body you need all the tips and tricks you can get. None of these techniques will work alone but by combining as many together as possible you’ll see a huge difference in your muscle growth – faster than before.
1. Max out the power of full body workouts every 48-hours, 3x a week before progressing to a 2-day or 3-day or 4-day split.
2. Multiply your body weight by a factor of 15 to determine how many calories to consume to gain muscle weight.
3. Perform only 1 exercise per body part each full-body workout but perform a different exercise for each body part every workout. By the end of the week you’ll have hit each muscle group three times from three different angles.
4. Digest a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein after your workout in liquid form.
5. Use a training journal and track your progress.
6. Perform each set to muscular failure.
7. Strive to drink 4-liters of water a day.
8. Vary your rep and set schemes more frequently than any other training variable.
9. Focus on exploding up on the pushing (concentric) portion of your movement and taking 3-4 seconds for the lowering (eccentric) portion of your routine.
10. Shoot for 5 pounds of lean muscle mass each month. Unless you’re ultra-skinny, anything more is commonly fat gain.
11. Eat at least 10-15 serving of fruits and vegetables each day.
12. Focus on compound movements for 80% of your workouts.
13. Alternate between dumbbells and barbells every 2 weeks.
14. Only change an exercise when you plateau on two workouts in a row.
15. Enter a fitness model or bodybuilding show or transformation contest to keep you motivated.
16. Follow a program for at least 12-16 weeks before trying your next one.
17. Pyramiding your sets to consistently increase your strength 5% each week.
18. Consume a variety of whole eggs, chicken, lean beef, fish and whole-milk throughout the day for high quality (bioavailable) muscle building protein.
19. Use a training partner for motivation and an extra push to experience faster muscular growth.
20. Never train hungry if you want to build muscle fast.
(Go to build muscle bulk to get the muscle you want for your body.)
21. Concentrate your carbohydrates when your body needs them most – breakfast, pre workout and post workout.
22. Ensure you do the squat and the deadlift each week to increase the release of growth hormone and testosterone.
23. Hire a personal trainer if you have never received professional coaching on technique and form.
24. Stretch at least half the amount of time that you lift. If you lift 3 hours a week, schedule at least 1.5 hours of yoga or static stretching.
25. Train a muscle group through it’s entire range of motion to stimulate muscle size.
26. Use a 3-day a week 20-minute interval cardio plan, post-workout, to maximize the muscle to fat ratio while bulking.
27. Train your most underdeveloped muscle group first in each workout.
28. Avoid processed food, packaged food and fast food.
29. Avoid protein bars and any muscle building supplement that has sucrulose, aspartame, or other artificial or natural sweeteners.
30. Get at least 8-hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.
31. Don’t be afraid to overload your muscles with maximal resistance and miss your goal reps.
32. Consume a combination of olive oil, fish oil, coconut oil, mixed nuts and natural peanut butter each day to make sure you get ample healthy fats for testosterone and other muscle building hormone production.
33. Take a complete week off after 12-16 weeks of training.
34. Get a spotter to help you with your heaviest set.
35. Have a training program. Never go to the gym without a plan.
36. Perform 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching before each weight training workout.
37. Schedule regular ART-therapy or massage therapy to avoid injuries.
38. Cold shower after every intense weight training workout. It sucks, but it works.
39. Eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass.
40. The core of your workout should revolve around squats, deadlifts, rows, presses, pull ups, dips and weighted core work.
41. Train with someone bigger and stronger than you. You’ll be challenged and motivated to work out harder.
(Find out how you can gain muscle mass by clicking on build muscle bulk)
If you have an advanced tip or trick that has helped you, share it in the comments below.
To Your Ultimate Training Success,
Jo Chris
Build Muscle Bulk
Here are 41 of my best tips and tricks for gaining more muscle and getting more ripped than you can imagine.
In the past 3 years I have supported 26,755 customers in over 120 different countries with the critical elements to build muscle mass and to experience progressive muscle gains.
Today I’m handing you 41 of my own best key secrets that I helped me build 41 pounds of rock-solid muscle in just six months – without drugs, supplements and training less than before.
In a matter of weeks, not months, you too will have a jaw-dropping physique. It all starts once you begin applying the advanced muscle building strategies below.
(Learn more by checking out build muscle bulk)
Whether you approach your physique as a hobby or a job, you should not leave any element to chance and hope it works. In order to defeat plateaus and forge a ripped and muscular body you need all the tips and tricks you can get. None of these techniques will work alone but by combining as many together as possible you’ll see a huge difference in your muscle growth – faster than before.
1. Max out the power of full body workouts every 48-hours, 3x a week before progressing to a 2-day or 3-day or 4-day split.
2. Multiply your body weight by a factor of 15 to determine how many calories to consume to gain muscle weight.
3. Perform only 1 exercise per body part each full-body workout but perform a different exercise for each body part every workout. By the end of the week you’ll have hit each muscle group three times from three different angles.
4. Digest a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein after your workout in liquid form.
5. Use a training journal and track your progress.
6. Perform each set to muscular failure.
7. Strive to drink 4-liters of water a day.
8. Vary your rep and set schemes more frequently than any other training variable.
9. Focus on exploding up on the pushing (concentric) portion of your movement and taking 3-4 seconds for the lowering (eccentric) portion of your routine.
10. Shoot for 5 pounds of lean muscle mass each month. Unless you’re ultra-skinny, anything more is commonly fat gain.
11. Eat at least 10-15 serving of fruits and vegetables each day.
12. Focus on compound movements for 80% of your workouts.
13. Alternate between dumbbells and barbells every 2 weeks.
14. Only change an exercise when you plateau on two workouts in a row.
15. Enter a fitness model or bodybuilding show or transformation contest to keep you motivated.
16. Follow a program for at least 12-16 weeks before trying your next one.
17. Pyramiding your sets to consistently increase your strength 5% each week.
18. Consume a variety of whole eggs, chicken, lean beef, fish and whole-milk throughout the day for high quality (bioavailable) muscle building protein.
19. Use a training partner for motivation and an extra push to experience faster muscular growth.
20. Never train hungry if you want to build muscle fast.
(Go to build muscle bulk to get the muscle you want for your body.)
21. Concentrate your carbohydrates when your body needs them most – breakfast, pre workout and post workout.
22. Ensure you do the squat and the deadlift each week to increase the release of growth hormone and testosterone.
23. Hire a personal trainer if you have never received professional coaching on technique and form.
24. Stretch at least half the amount of time that you lift. If you lift 3 hours a week, schedule at least 1.5 hours of yoga or static stretching.
25. Train a muscle group through it’s entire range of motion to stimulate muscle size.
26. Use a 3-day a week 20-minute interval cardio plan, post-workout, to maximize the muscle to fat ratio while bulking.
27. Train your most underdeveloped muscle group first in each workout.
28. Avoid processed food, packaged food and fast food.
29. Avoid protein bars and any muscle building supplement that has sucrulose, aspartame, or other artificial or natural sweeteners.
30. Get at least 8-hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.
31. Don’t be afraid to overload your muscles with maximal resistance and miss your goal reps.
32. Consume a combination of olive oil, fish oil, coconut oil, mixed nuts and natural peanut butter each day to make sure you get ample healthy fats for testosterone and other muscle building hormone production.
33. Take a complete week off after 12-16 weeks of training.
34. Get a spotter to help you with your heaviest set.
35. Have a training program. Never go to the gym without a plan.
36. Perform 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching before each weight training workout.
37. Schedule regular ART-therapy or massage therapy to avoid injuries.
38. Cold shower after every intense weight training workout. It sucks, but it works.
39. Eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass.
40. The core of your workout should revolve around squats, deadlifts, rows, presses, pull ups, dips and weighted core work.
41. Train with someone bigger and stronger than you. You’ll be challenged and motivated to work out harder.
(Find out how you can gain muscle mass by clicking on build muscle bulk)
If you have an advanced tip or trick that has helped you, share it in the comments below.
To Your Ultimate Training Success,
Jo Chris
Build Muscle Bulk
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Feed the Muscle to Build Muscle Bulk
When it comes to building muscle you'll want to pay just as much attention to the food you eat in order to build muscle bulk. That food will feed the muscle and provide the nutrients the body needs to help achieve the results you want. And sometimes the hardest part in our efforts all pertains to the fueling we give our bodies.
But to build muscle bulk, you need to constantly feed your muscles with quality fuel sources. Your body needs energy to perform at the optimal level you need it to in order to build muscle bulk. That energy should come in the form of high quality protein, carbohydrates, and good fats. The ratio should be 20%, 65%, and 15% respectively. (Notice I said "fuel sources". The reason for describing it in that manner is to better help explain the purpose of food. Focusing on our relationship with food in that manner helps us to make better choices about what, how much, and when to eat. At least it does for me.)
(Learn more at build muscle bulk)
The best way to get the nutrients mentioned is through the calories you consume in the food you eat. For most that would equate to about 3,000 to 3,500 calories on a daily basis. However, for a more accurate count...simply increase your normal daily caloric intake by 350 to 500 calories.
Although supplementing these nutrients can be done through items such as protein powders and vitamins, since the supplements are synthetic reproductions, they aren't as high a quality as you would get from everyday food that is all natural such as salmon, tuna, non-fat milk, almonds, and egg whites to name a few.
(Of course on a cheat day...yes those are allowed on occasion, but then it is all about the joy of eating really great tasting food.) However if your not on a scheduled cheat day, your best results if you want to build muscle bulk, involve eating healthy portions of high quality protein, carbs, and good fats. Your body will love you for it...and you'll love your body for it too.
Many questions have been asked about how much protein to add into your diet. In fact you've probably asked a view of your own. A lot of people believe consuming as much protein as possible will give you the muscle bulk you desire. The truth is that there are guidelines to follow regarding protein intake that will expedite your results and help avoid packing on fat weight...and you will be amazed at what they are.
I've found the perfect combination of food and exercise to help me achieve the best body of my life. I was a skinny guy with absolutely no muscle, but I gained over 40 pounds of muscle bulk in less than 6 months. There is too much information to put in this article. The rest of the details can be found build muscle bulk
Of course this technique is for people who are serious about adding some real muscle bulk to their bodies. Here is the link again to build muscle bulk Good luck in your training!
Eating the right foods, in the right portions, at the right time can be an uphill battle. But rest assured, given time you can win that battle and build muscle bulk to gain the muscle mass you want.
(To get a get program with proven results go to build muscle bulk and learn more.)
To your ultimate Training Success,
Jo Chris
But to build muscle bulk, you need to constantly feed your muscles with quality fuel sources. Your body needs energy to perform at the optimal level you need it to in order to build muscle bulk. That energy should come in the form of high quality protein, carbohydrates, and good fats. The ratio should be 20%, 65%, and 15% respectively. (Notice I said "fuel sources". The reason for describing it in that manner is to better help explain the purpose of food. Focusing on our relationship with food in that manner helps us to make better choices about what, how much, and when to eat. At least it does for me.)
(Learn more at build muscle bulk)
The best way to get the nutrients mentioned is through the calories you consume in the food you eat. For most that would equate to about 3,000 to 3,500 calories on a daily basis. However, for a more accurate count...simply increase your normal daily caloric intake by 350 to 500 calories.
Although supplementing these nutrients can be done through items such as protein powders and vitamins, since the supplements are synthetic reproductions, they aren't as high a quality as you would get from everyday food that is all natural such as salmon, tuna, non-fat milk, almonds, and egg whites to name a few.
(Of course on a cheat day...yes those are allowed on occasion, but then it is all about the joy of eating really great tasting food.) However if your not on a scheduled cheat day, your best results if you want to build muscle bulk, involve eating healthy portions of high quality protein, carbs, and good fats. Your body will love you for it...and you'll love your body for it too.
Many questions have been asked about how much protein to add into your diet. In fact you've probably asked a view of your own. A lot of people believe consuming as much protein as possible will give you the muscle bulk you desire. The truth is that there are guidelines to follow regarding protein intake that will expedite your results and help avoid packing on fat weight...and you will be amazed at what they are.
I've found the perfect combination of food and exercise to help me achieve the best body of my life. I was a skinny guy with absolutely no muscle, but I gained over 40 pounds of muscle bulk in less than 6 months. There is too much information to put in this article. The rest of the details can be found build muscle bulk
Of course this technique is for people who are serious about adding some real muscle bulk to their bodies. Here is the link again to build muscle bulk Good luck in your training!
Eating the right foods, in the right portions, at the right time can be an uphill battle. But rest assured, given time you can win that battle and build muscle bulk to gain the muscle mass you want.
(To get a get program with proven results go to build muscle bulk and learn more.)
To your ultimate Training Success,
Jo Chris
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The 3 Things You Need to Know to Build Muscle Bulk Fast
A desire to build muscle bulk is fairly common. So is the desire to build it as fast as possible. To do so, there is certain information you need to know. If you weren't aware of this information, it's great advice to help you. If you knew this stuff already then its just a great reminder for you because there is no way around achieving your goal to build muscle bulk fast without these muscle building rules.
Check out this article below....
Have you ever wanted something but just couldn't hardly wait for it to happen? Kind of like when you want to build muscle bulk but want it to happen like...yesterday? Well, let's see if we can get you the results you are looking for by giving the Top 3 things to do to build muscle fast when trying to build muscle bulk.
Be consistent in your workouts. You'll need to workout a minimum of 3 to 5 days a week for 1 to 1½ hours. Devote that time to making your muscles work. Push your body to failure by doing 3 to 4 sets of 6 to 8 reps of heavy weight. Be sure and follow the "Golden Rules" to help prevent getting hurt.
Feed your muscles constantly with quality fuel sources to give your body energy. That energy should come in the form of high quality protein, carbohydrates, and good fats. The ratio should be 20%, 65%, and 15% respectively. These nutrients come of the calories you consume on a daily basis which should be about 3,000 to 3,500 on a daily basis for most.
Follow an effective workout program. Yes, I agree that most programs can help you to gain muscle...but we're talking about a desire to build muscle fast when trying to build muscle bulk. Be sure and find one whose foundation is build on the structured performance of compound exercises in addition to some that isolate secondary muscle groups. Also, be sure that cardio work is included as a part of the routine.
So if you want to build muscle bulk and do it in the fastest manner possible be sure and be consistent in your exercise, eat the right quality and quantity of food, and choose an effective workout program.
You can get more great muscle building tips and sign up for 10 free video exercises at To achieve your goal, you simply have to see this program.
To view the article in its entirety, go tobuild muscle bulk fast Good luck in your training!
Article Source:
Check out this article below....
Have you ever wanted something but just couldn't hardly wait for it to happen? Kind of like when you want to build muscle bulk but want it to happen like...yesterday? Well, let's see if we can get you the results you are looking for by giving the Top 3 things to do to build muscle fast when trying to build muscle bulk.
Be consistent in your workouts. You'll need to workout a minimum of 3 to 5 days a week for 1 to 1½ hours. Devote that time to making your muscles work. Push your body to failure by doing 3 to 4 sets of 6 to 8 reps of heavy weight. Be sure and follow the "Golden Rules" to help prevent getting hurt.
Feed your muscles constantly with quality fuel sources to give your body energy. That energy should come in the form of high quality protein, carbohydrates, and good fats. The ratio should be 20%, 65%, and 15% respectively. These nutrients come of the calories you consume on a daily basis which should be about 3,000 to 3,500 on a daily basis for most.
Follow an effective workout program. Yes, I agree that most programs can help you to gain muscle...but we're talking about a desire to build muscle fast when trying to build muscle bulk. Be sure and find one whose foundation is build on the structured performance of compound exercises in addition to some that isolate secondary muscle groups. Also, be sure that cardio work is included as a part of the routine.
So if you want to build muscle bulk and do it in the fastest manner possible be sure and be consistent in your exercise, eat the right quality and quantity of food, and choose an effective workout program.
You can get more great muscle building tips and sign up for 10 free video exercises at To achieve your goal, you simply have to see this program.
To view the article in its entirety, go tobuild muscle bulk fast Good luck in your training!
Article Source:
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Looking For the Best Exercise to Build Upper Body Muscle While Achieving the Fastest Results Possible?
When you build upper body muscle it helps lend a hand to the impressive V-shape. It's a very attractive look and I certainly understand the desire to achieve that goal. But I also understand that you want to get to that end result just as soon as possible. Well, you can read the article below to find out how to build upper body muscle fast....
Want to find out what the best exercise is to build upper body muscle? Simply the type of exercise that is best includes those that are considered compound exercises.
So what is a compound exercise? A compound exercise is one that uses several muscle groups to perform one move. This is the opposite of the exercises that only focus on one set of muscle groups. The benefit of this type of exercise is that it allows you to spend less time working out because fewer exercises to build upper body muscle are required and your workouts become more efficient. Working in this manner also helps prevent the over-production of the hormone cortisol which can become harmful to your efforts to build upper body muscle and limit muscle growth.
Here are some examples of a compound exercises to build upper body muscle: Push-ups. Pull-ups, Bent-over rows, Dips
These exercises utilize a combination of biceps, triceps, lats, traps, delts, and pecs. If you were to perform 3 sets of each of these exercises at 8 reps each, working to failure on the last set, you will see results almost immediately. And you wouldn't have to spend hours at the gym to get those results. To ensure the effectiveness of these exercises, make sure you perform the exercises correctly which means; slow controlled moves, proper breathing, going the full range of motion, etc.
These are key elements of any routine you perform, this one included to bring you the results you want. The best exercise to build upper body muscle is one that involves multiple muscle groups, otherwise known as compound exercises. These moves are the best to achieve the results you want in the shortest time possible.
I was a skinny guy with absolutely no muscle. My goal was to get cut and build muscle bulk. And I did by gaining over 40 pounds of muscle bulk in less than 6 months. I did it using a program that incorporates some of the philosophy above. The rest of my story can be found at build muscle bulk
Of course this technique is for people who are serious about making some real changes to their bodies. Good luck in your training!
Article Source:
This article in it's original form can be found at The Best Exercise to Build Upper Body Muscle and Get the Fastest Results.
Want to find out what the best exercise is to build upper body muscle? Simply the type of exercise that is best includes those that are considered compound exercises.
So what is a compound exercise? A compound exercise is one that uses several muscle groups to perform one move. This is the opposite of the exercises that only focus on one set of muscle groups. The benefit of this type of exercise is that it allows you to spend less time working out because fewer exercises to build upper body muscle are required and your workouts become more efficient. Working in this manner also helps prevent the over-production of the hormone cortisol which can become harmful to your efforts to build upper body muscle and limit muscle growth.
Here are some examples of a compound exercises to build upper body muscle: Push-ups. Pull-ups, Bent-over rows, Dips
These exercises utilize a combination of biceps, triceps, lats, traps, delts, and pecs. If you were to perform 3 sets of each of these exercises at 8 reps each, working to failure on the last set, you will see results almost immediately. And you wouldn't have to spend hours at the gym to get those results. To ensure the effectiveness of these exercises, make sure you perform the exercises correctly which means; slow controlled moves, proper breathing, going the full range of motion, etc.
These are key elements of any routine you perform, this one included to bring you the results you want. The best exercise to build upper body muscle is one that involves multiple muscle groups, otherwise known as compound exercises. These moves are the best to achieve the results you want in the shortest time possible.
I was a skinny guy with absolutely no muscle. My goal was to get cut and build muscle bulk. And I did by gaining over 40 pounds of muscle bulk in less than 6 months. I did it using a program that incorporates some of the philosophy above. The rest of my story can be found at build muscle bulk
Of course this technique is for people who are serious about making some real changes to their bodies. Good luck in your training!
Article Source:
This article in it's original form can be found at The Best Exercise to Build Upper Body Muscle and Get the Fastest Results.
Monday, May 18, 2009
What Are The 7 Best Exercises to "Build Muscle Bulk?"
Many skinny guys and even those of us who aren't so skinny have a desire to add a lot of muscle. When we build muscle bulk it helps us get healthy and look good too. One of our biggest concerns is finding the right exercise or combination of exercises that will help us achieve our goals the fastest. Here is an article to help identify the 7 best exercises to build muscle bulk.
If you're a "skinny guy" looking to add a lot of muscle, you've probably read hundreds of magazine articles to learn which exercises will help you achieve your goal to build muscle bulk. Of course if you try to put too much information from any of the article together, you get lost in the whirlwind of "do what when and how' statements from the confusion of it all. Plus, you'll find that the only muscle that's getting any decent work is your brain just from trying to figure it all out. Because in those articles a multitude of options were given that probably caused even more confusion and frustration for you than when you first started. This holds true especially if you didn't get any results. Well to clear things up for you, a list of the 7 best exercises to build muscle bulk is provided.
The 7 best exercises to build muscle bulk are:
bench press
dead lift
pull ups
bent over row
clean and press
Now, upon reading this you may be wondering why these exercises specifically are the best to build muscle bulk. (If it were me, it would be too.) Well, the reason is because they are compound exercises.
Compound exercises mean that they incorporate multiple muscles in order to perform the exercise move. This is contrary to isolated exercise moves that only use one muscle or "group" of muscles during the move.
When you lift using compound exercises you get a large number of muscles involved in the routine. These are classically the best exercises to build muscle bulk because of the number of muscles that are use in the exercise. These moves really get your heart pumping and boosts your metabolism. Not to mention compound exercise help release the "good" hormones which is a big contributor in your attempt to build muscle bulk.
Performing compound exercises also help to save physical energy and maximize time. When you spend too much time exercising, large amounts of cortisol get produced which basically eats away at your muscle. That muscle being the same that you are attempting to build. (That's a pretty good clue that it's not a good thing.)
During your next workout use these 7 best classic exercises to build muscle bulk. They can help prepare you for many other exercises you should incorporate into your routine to get even more work.
I was a skinny guy with absolutely no muscle, but I gained over 40 pounds of muscle bulk in less than 6 months. I did it using some of the information listed above. The rest of the details can be found
Of course this technique is for people who are serious about adding some real muscle bulk to their bodies. Here is the link again to build muscle bulk Good luck in your training!
By Jo Chris
This article can be found at Ezine Articles-Build Muscle Bulk
If you're a "skinny guy" looking to add a lot of muscle, you've probably read hundreds of magazine articles to learn which exercises will help you achieve your goal to build muscle bulk. Of course if you try to put too much information from any of the article together, you get lost in the whirlwind of "do what when and how' statements from the confusion of it all. Plus, you'll find that the only muscle that's getting any decent work is your brain just from trying to figure it all out. Because in those articles a multitude of options were given that probably caused even more confusion and frustration for you than when you first started. This holds true especially if you didn't get any results. Well to clear things up for you, a list of the 7 best exercises to build muscle bulk is provided.
The 7 best exercises to build muscle bulk are:
bench press
dead lift
pull ups
bent over row
clean and press
Now, upon reading this you may be wondering why these exercises specifically are the best to build muscle bulk. (If it were me, it would be too.) Well, the reason is because they are compound exercises.
Compound exercises mean that they incorporate multiple muscles in order to perform the exercise move. This is contrary to isolated exercise moves that only use one muscle or "group" of muscles during the move.
When you lift using compound exercises you get a large number of muscles involved in the routine. These are classically the best exercises to build muscle bulk because of the number of muscles that are use in the exercise. These moves really get your heart pumping and boosts your metabolism. Not to mention compound exercise help release the "good" hormones which is a big contributor in your attempt to build muscle bulk.
Performing compound exercises also help to save physical energy and maximize time. When you spend too much time exercising, large amounts of cortisol get produced which basically eats away at your muscle. That muscle being the same that you are attempting to build. (That's a pretty good clue that it's not a good thing.)
During your next workout use these 7 best classic exercises to build muscle bulk. They can help prepare you for many other exercises you should incorporate into your routine to get even more work.
I was a skinny guy with absolutely no muscle, but I gained over 40 pounds of muscle bulk in less than 6 months. I did it using some of the information listed above. The rest of the details can be found
Of course this technique is for people who are serious about adding some real muscle bulk to their bodies. Here is the link again to build muscle bulk Good luck in your training!
By Jo Chris
This article can be found at Ezine Articles-Build Muscle Bulk
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Body Building for Skinny People - What Foods are Proven to Help Build Muscle?
What foods are the best to consume when you are body building for skinny people?
The most effective are those classified as whole carbs. You might be wondering what whole carbs are. Basically, whole carbs are unprocessed carbohydrates such as whole wheat pasta and bread. Fruit and vegetables are great whole carbs as well.
Other good foods are those that carry Omega 3 fatty acids which typically are your fish varieties such as salmon, trout, sardines, lobster, and tuna. They are also a good source of protein as well.
Body building for skinny people requires adding extra calories of the whole carbs and fish into your diet in order to provide fuel for the body to work and feed the muscle. If you incorporate 300 to 500 additional calories per day above and beyond what your caloric expenditure is, you'll feed the body and muscle with what it needs to build muscle mass and still keep lean.
To learn more tips visit, Body Building for Skinny People
Here's to your muscle building success,
Chris Jolen
The most effective are those classified as whole carbs. You might be wondering what whole carbs are. Basically, whole carbs are unprocessed carbohydrates such as whole wheat pasta and bread. Fruit and vegetables are great whole carbs as well.
Other good foods are those that carry Omega 3 fatty acids which typically are your fish varieties such as salmon, trout, sardines, lobster, and tuna. They are also a good source of protein as well.
Body building for skinny people requires adding extra calories of the whole carbs and fish into your diet in order to provide fuel for the body to work and feed the muscle. If you incorporate 300 to 500 additional calories per day above and beyond what your caloric expenditure is, you'll feed the body and muscle with what it needs to build muscle mass and still keep lean.
To learn more tips visit, Body Building for Skinny People
Here's to your muscle building success,
Chris Jolen
Body Building For Skinny People- The Importance of Proper Routines
When you are body building for skinny people, the exercise routines you perform have to be specific to that purpose. In other words, don't take a workout out of one of the fitness magazines and expect to get the results you want.
Now that's not to say you won't make some changes to your physique. However, to reach your goals, based on your body type, not just any routine will do.
Typically you'll find either from your own experience or in talking with others that having a "skinny build" makes it very difficult to build real muscle. But being difficult doesn't mean it's impossible. You just want to be sure that the techniques and workouts you perform are designed for people of your build. In other words, you can't perform a workout like a Arnold Swarchenegger and expect those results if you don't already have his genetic make-up and build.
Plus, many of these huge body builders you see today and even from days of old use dangerous, harmful, and even illegal supplements that caused the mass they've achieved. Getting those results would be impossible without mimicking that performance as well. And that, I HIGHLY discourage.
So when doing body building for skinny people, be sure it's truly a workout meant for you and your body. That way you can transform you and your body, the right way.
You can learn more at body building for skinny people.
To Your Muscle Building Success,
Chris Jolen
Now that's not to say you won't make some changes to your physique. However, to reach your goals, based on your body type, not just any routine will do.
Typically you'll find either from your own experience or in talking with others that having a "skinny build" makes it very difficult to build real muscle. But being difficult doesn't mean it's impossible. You just want to be sure that the techniques and workouts you perform are designed for people of your build. In other words, you can't perform a workout like a Arnold Swarchenegger and expect those results if you don't already have his genetic make-up and build.
Plus, many of these huge body builders you see today and even from days of old use dangerous, harmful, and even illegal supplements that caused the mass they've achieved. Getting those results would be impossible without mimicking that performance as well. And that, I HIGHLY discourage.
So when doing body building for skinny people, be sure it's truly a workout meant for you and your body. That way you can transform you and your body, the right way.
You can learn more at body building for skinny people.
To Your Muscle Building Success,
Chris Jolen
Body Building for Skinny People
Being the proud owner of a skinny build can make you proud of one thing. You can pick up the sock that fell between the washer and dryer because you were the only one who could reach it. Well I don't know about you but that's not what I want to be know for.
I want some muscle. And although my build dictates that I won't get overly massive, there are still things I can do to help build some muscle and help me change my look from scrawny to brawny.
Not every weight lifting routine will help me achieve this. My body and my goal is specific so my routines have to be as well. This is why I target body building for skinny people workouts. And because I know what it's like to be skinny
and change my body to build some good muscle, I want to share what information I can with you.
So post your questions and/or comments regarding body building for skinny people and I will give you answers. You could also check out this site, Body Building For Skinny People
Together we can help you get the body you've always wanted.
To Your Muscle Building Success,
Chris Jolen
I want some muscle. And although my build dictates that I won't get overly massive, there are still things I can do to help build some muscle and help me change my look from scrawny to brawny.
Not every weight lifting routine will help me achieve this. My body and my goal is specific so my routines have to be as well. This is why I target body building for skinny people workouts. And because I know what it's like to be skinny
and change my body to build some good muscle, I want to share what information I can with you.
So post your questions and/or comments regarding body building for skinny people and I will give you answers. You could also check out this site, Body Building For Skinny People
Together we can help you get the body you've always wanted.
To Your Muscle Building Success,
Chris Jolen
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