Thursday, May 21, 2009

The 3 Things You Need to Know to Build Muscle Bulk Fast

A desire to build muscle bulk is fairly common. So is the desire to build it as fast as possible. To do so, there is certain information you need to know. If you weren't aware of this information, it's great advice to help you. If you knew this stuff already then its just a great reminder for you because there is no way around achieving your goal to build muscle bulk fast without these muscle building rules.

Check out this article below....

Have you ever wanted something but just couldn't hardly wait for it to happen? Kind of like when you want to build muscle bulk but want it to happen like...yesterday? Well, let's see if we can get you the results you are looking for by giving the Top 3 things to do to build muscle fast when trying to build muscle bulk.

Be consistent in your workouts. You'll need to workout a minimum of 3 to 5 days a week for 1 to 1½ hours. Devote that time to making your muscles work. Push your body to failure by doing 3 to 4 sets of 6 to 8 reps of heavy weight. Be sure and follow the "Golden Rules" to help prevent getting hurt.
Feed your muscles constantly with quality fuel sources to give your body energy. That energy should come in the form of high quality protein, carbohydrates, and good fats. The ratio should be 20%, 65%, and 15% respectively. These nutrients come of the calories you consume on a daily basis which should be about 3,000 to 3,500 on a daily basis for most.
Follow an effective workout program. Yes, I agree that most programs can help you to gain muscle...but we're talking about a desire to build muscle fast when trying to build muscle bulk. Be sure and find one whose foundation is build on the structured performance of compound exercises in addition to some that isolate secondary muscle groups. Also, be sure that cardio work is included as a part of the routine.
So if you want to build muscle bulk and do it in the fastest manner possible be sure and be consistent in your exercise, eat the right quality and quantity of food, and choose an effective workout program.

You can get more great muscle building tips and sign up for 10 free video exercises at To achieve your goal, you simply have to see this program.

To view the article in its entirety, go tobuild muscle bulk fast Good luck in your training!

Article Source:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Looking For the Best Exercise to Build Upper Body Muscle While Achieving the Fastest Results Possible?

When you build upper body muscle it helps lend a hand to the impressive V-shape. It's a very attractive look and I certainly understand the desire to achieve that goal. But I also understand that you want to get to that end result just as soon as possible. Well, you can read the article below to find out how to build upper body muscle fast....

Want to find out what the best exercise is to build upper body muscle? Simply the type of exercise that is best includes those that are considered compound exercises.

So what is a compound exercise? A compound exercise is one that uses several muscle groups to perform one move. This is the opposite of the exercises that only focus on one set of muscle groups. The benefit of this type of exercise is that it allows you to spend less time working out because fewer exercises to build upper body muscle are required and your workouts become more efficient. Working in this manner also helps prevent the over-production of the hormone cortisol which can become harmful to your efforts to build upper body muscle and limit muscle growth.

Here are some examples of a compound exercises to build upper body muscle: Push-ups. Pull-ups, Bent-over rows, Dips

These exercises utilize a combination of biceps, triceps, lats, traps, delts, and pecs. If you were to perform 3 sets of each of these exercises at 8 reps each, working to failure on the last set, you will see results almost immediately. And you wouldn't have to spend hours at the gym to get those results. To ensure the effectiveness of these exercises, make sure you perform the exercises correctly which means; slow controlled moves, proper breathing, going the full range of motion, etc.

These are key elements of any routine you perform, this one included to bring you the results you want. The best exercise to build upper body muscle is one that involves multiple muscle groups, otherwise known as compound exercises. These moves are the best to achieve the results you want in the shortest time possible.

I was a skinny guy with absolutely no muscle. My goal was to get cut and build muscle bulk. And I did by gaining over 40 pounds of muscle bulk in less than 6 months. I did it using a program that incorporates some of the philosophy above. The rest of my story can be found at build muscle bulk

Of course this technique is for people who are serious about making some real changes to their bodies. Good luck in your training!

Article Source:

This article in it's original form can be found at The Best Exercise to Build Upper Body Muscle and Get the Fastest Results.

Monday, May 18, 2009

What Are The 7 Best Exercises to "Build Muscle Bulk?"

Many skinny guys and even those of us who aren't so skinny have a desire to add a lot of muscle. When we build muscle bulk it helps us get healthy and look good too. One of our biggest concerns is finding the right exercise or combination of exercises that will help us achieve our goals the fastest. Here is an article to help identify the 7 best exercises to build muscle bulk.

If you're a "skinny guy" looking to add a lot of muscle, you've probably read hundreds of magazine articles to learn which exercises will help you achieve your goal to build muscle bulk. Of course if you try to put too much information from any of the article together, you get lost in the whirlwind of "do what when and how' statements from the confusion of it all. Plus, you'll find that the only muscle that's getting any decent work is your brain just from trying to figure it all out. Because in those articles a multitude of options were given that probably caused even more confusion and frustration for you than when you first started. This holds true especially if you didn't get any results. Well to clear things up for you, a list of the 7 best exercises to build muscle bulk is provided.

The 7 best exercises to build muscle bulk are:

bench press
dead lift
pull ups
bent over row
clean and press

Now, upon reading this you may be wondering why these exercises specifically are the best to build muscle bulk. (If it were me, it would be too.) Well, the reason is because they are compound exercises.

Compound exercises mean that they incorporate multiple muscles in order to perform the exercise move. This is contrary to isolated exercise moves that only use one muscle or "group" of muscles during the move.

When you lift using compound exercises you get a large number of muscles involved in the routine. These are classically the best exercises to build muscle bulk because of the number of muscles that are use in the exercise. These moves really get your heart pumping and boosts your metabolism. Not to mention compound exercise help release the "good" hormones which is a big contributor in your attempt to build muscle bulk.

Performing compound exercises also help to save physical energy and maximize time. When you spend too much time exercising, large amounts of cortisol get produced which basically eats away at your muscle. That muscle being the same that you are attempting to build. (That's a pretty good clue that it's not a good thing.)

During your next workout use these 7 best classic exercises to build muscle bulk. They can help prepare you for many other exercises you should incorporate into your routine to get even more work.

I was a skinny guy with absolutely no muscle, but I gained over 40 pounds of muscle bulk in less than 6 months. I did it using some of the information listed above. The rest of the details can be found

Of course this technique is for people who are serious about adding some real muscle bulk to their bodies. Here is the link again to build muscle bulk Good luck in your training!

By Jo Chris

This article can be found at Ezine Articles-Build Muscle Bulk